Pass your South Carolina real estate licensing exam on the first attempt with PerryPrep+ South Carolina. This comprehensive exam preparation course covers all of the topics on the general and South Carolina specific portions of the licensing exam. The MathMaster+ is also included in this package and thoroughly explains the various math problems encountered on the exam. Prepare and pass the exam with confidence.

    Self-Paced & 100% Online

    Our real estate courses are designed for complete flexibility and can be completed in just a few weeks.

    High Pass Rates

    Each real estate course is designed to help you pass the real estate exam and start your real estate career without delay.

    Immediate Feedback

    With access to thousands of practice questions and practice exams, you will be able to identify your weaknesses and study more efficiently. 

    24/7 Support

    Our instructors are available around-the-clock to help with any of your real estate questions.

    Flash Cards

    Get access to hundreds of flash cards developed by our team and designed to help you ace the exam.

    Topic Specific Tests

    Topic exams that allow you to customize your study path and hone in on the areas that need more of your attention.

    This course is designed to assist users with preparing for the general portion of the Real Estate Licensing Examination. This content is generally standard from state to state.

    What's included:

    • PerryPrep+ General
    • MathMaster+

    Best for someone:

    • Preparing for the general portion of the licensing exam.
    • Needing additional assistance with the math material.
    • Having trouble passing the general portion of the license exam.



    PerryPrep+ South Carolina is a real estate licensing exam preparation course designed to cover all of the topics on the South Carolina licensing examination with PSI.

    What's included:

    • PerryPrep+ General
    • PerryPrep+ South Carolina
    • MathMaster+

    Best for someone:

    • Preparing for the full licensing exam.
    • Having trouble passing both parts of the exam.
    • Needing additional study material after taking the Pre-License course.



    Looking to study just South Carolina law? This is the course for you, it will cover the material on the state portion of the licensing examination with PSI.

    What's included:

    • PerryPrep+ South Carolina

    Best for someone:

    • Preparing for the state portion of the licensing exam.
    • Using the reciprocity process for a South Carolina license.
    • Having trouble passing the state portion of the exam.





    The state-specific Topic Tests at the beginning of the course are designed to give users a sort of diagnostics test on where they stand with the licensing exam topics. These short tests help the user determine which Mastery Modules to spend the most time studying. Students will receive a score for each specific state exam topic to help focus their study.


    The state-specific Mastery Modules are the next portion of the course. The Mastery Modules dive into the state-specific exam topics. Students can use the Topic Tests to determine which modules they have the most deficiencies in. We encourage students to review each individual Mastery Module, although, the Topic Tests help users determine where to spend the most time studying for maximum efficiency.


    Several comprehensive practice exams at the end of the course are included to give users a sense of what to expect on the both the state and general portion of the licensing exam. These practice exams are very beneficial as they cover all of the topics included on the licensing exam. Students should feel comfortable taking the Practice Exams before scheduling their licensing examination.


    Our flashcards, located at the very end of the course, help users become more familiar with the key terms encountered on the licensing examination.  When you enroll in PerryPrep+, you automatically get access to our bank of over 600 flashcards.  You can rank each card on a scale of 1 to 5 based off your confidence in understanding the term.  This allows you to customize your study experience.

    Exam Prep That Gives an Exam Edge

    MathMaster+ $29

    Do you want just brush-up on the math portion of the real estate exam?  This is the course for you.  The MathMaster+ Exam Preparation course will thoroughly describe the types of math problems that can be found on the general portion of the real estate licensing examination. This will include explanations, steps to solving problems, etc. It also has a comprehensive test for you to take to ensure you have mastered the material.


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